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Tutorial 2#

Dynamical Systems I, Discrete Dynamics & Eigenstuff

[insert your name]

Important reminders: Before starting, click “File -> Save a copy in Drive”. Produce a pdf for submission by “File -> Print” and then choose “Save to PDF”.

To complete this tutorial, you should have watched Videos 3.1 - 3.3.


# @markdown Imports

# Imports
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import scipy.linalg
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
import ipywidgets as widgets  

# Plotting parameters
from IPython.display import HTML
plt.rcParams["animation.html"] = "jshtml"
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22})

Plotting functions

# @markdown Plotting functions
your_theme = 'white'
if your_theme == 'dark':['dark_background'])
  classic = 'w'
  classic = 'k'

def plot_eig_vec_transform(W):
  vec_names = ['a', 'b','c','d','e','f','g', 'h']

  _, vecs = np.linalg.eig(W)
  vecs = vecs.T

  fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 5))
  colors = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color']

  for i in range(2):
    axes[i].set(xlim=[-3.5, 3.5], ylim=[-3.5,3.5])
    axes[i].plot([0, 0], [-3.5, 3.5], classic, alpha=.4)
    axes[i].plot([-3.5, 3.5], [0, 0], classic, alpha=.4)

  for i_vec, vec in enumerate(vecs):    
    axes[0].arrow(0, 0, vec[0], vec[1], head_width=.2, facecolor=colors[i_vec], edgecolor=colors[i_vec], length_includes_head=True)
    axes[0].annotate(vec_names[i_vec], xy=(vec[0]+np.sign(vec[0])*.15, vec[1]+np.sign(vec[1])*.15), color=colors[i_vec])

    transformed_vec = np.matmul(W, vec)
    axes[1].arrow(0, 0, transformed_vec[0], transformed_vec[1], head_width=.2, facecolor=colors[i_vec], edgecolor=colors[i_vec], length_includes_head=True)
    axes[1].annotate(vec_names[i_vec], xy=(transformed_vec[0]+np.sign(transformed_vec[0])*.15, transformed_vec[1]+np.sign(transformed_vec[1])*.15), color=colors[i_vec])

def plot_circuit_responses(u, W, eigenstuff = False, xlim='default', ylim='default', magnitude=None):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10,10))

    # Set up axis limits
    if xlim =='default':
      extreme = np.maximum(np.abs(np.min(u)), np.max(u))
      xlim = [- extreme, extreme]
    if ylim == 'default':
      extreme = np.maximum(np.abs(np.min(u)), np.max(u))
      ylim = [- extreme, extreme]

    # Set up look
    cs = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color']*10

    # Set up tracking textz
    tracker_text = ax.text(.5, .9, "", color='w', fontsize=20, verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='left', transform=ax.transAxes)

    # Plot eigenvectors
    if eigenstuff:
      eigvals, eigvecs = np.linalg.eig(W)

      if np.abs(eigvals[0]) < np.abs(eigvals[1]):
        lc1 = 'c'
        lc2 = 'g'
        lc1 = 'g'
        lc2 = 'c'

      ax.plot(np.arange(-10000, 10000)*eigvecs[0, 0], np.arange(-10000, 10000)*eigvecs[1, 0],lc1, alpha=.5, label = r'$\bar{v}_1$')
      ax.plot(np.arange(-10000, 10000)*eigvecs[0, 1], np.arange(-10000, 10000)*eigvecs[1, 1], lc2, alpha=.5, label = r'$\bar{v}_2$')


    # Set up scatter
    cmap =
    norm = plt.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=u.shape[1])
    ax.plot(u[0,:], u[1, :], alpha=.4, zorder = 0)
    scatter = ax.scatter(u[0, :], u[1, :], alpha=1, c = cmap(norm(np.arange(u.shape[1]))), zorder = 1)

    ax.set(xlabel = 'Neuron 1 Firing Rate ($u_1$)', ylabel = 'Neuron 2 Firing Rate ($u_2$)', title = f'Neural firing over time \n Magnitude={magnitude:.2f}')

    fig.colorbar(, cmap=cmap),
                ax=ax, label = 'Time step')

Helper functions

# @markdown Helper functions

def get_eigval_specified_matrix(target_eig):
  """Generates matrix with specified eigvals

      target_eig (list): list of target eigenvalues, can be real or complex,
              should be length 2 unless you desire repeated eigenvalues
              with the same eigenvector, in which case length 1

      ndarray: 2 x 2 matrix with target eigvals


  # Set up two eigenvectors
  V = np.array([[1, 1], [-1, 1]]).astype('float')
  for i in range(2):
    V[:,i] = V[:,i]/np.linalg.norm(V[:,i])

  # Get matrix with target eigenvalues
  if type(target_eig[0]) == int or type(target_eig[0]) == float:

    if len(target_eig) == 2: # distinct eigvecs (not necessarily distinct eigvals)

        D = np.diag(target_eig)
        A = V @ D @ np.linalg.inv(V)

    else: # repeated with same vec
      summed = 2*target_eig[0]

      a = summed-3
      d = 3
      bc = target_eig[0]**2 - a*d
      factors = [n for n in range(1, bc+ 1) if bc % n == 0]
      b = factors[int(np.floor(len(factors)/2))]
      c = bc/-b

      A = np.array([[a, b], [c, d]])

  elif type(target_eig[0]) == complex:

      C = [np.real(V[:,0]), np.real(V[:,1])]
      B = np.array([[np.real(target_eig[0]), np.imag(target_eig[0])], [-np.imag(target_eig[0]), np.real(target_eig[0])]]).squeeze()
      A = C @ B @ np.linalg.inv(C)

  return A

Exercise 1: Complex computations#

We saw in Video 3.3 that eigenvalues can be complex - let’s convince ourselves of this. Consider the following rotation matrix:

\[\begin{split}B = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & -1 \\ 1 & 0 \\ \end{bmatrix} \end{split}\]


Calculate the eigenvalues of this matrix using det(\(B\) - \(\lambda I\)) = 0 to solve for \(\lambda\).

Your answer here


Why does it make sense intuitively that a rotation has no real eigenvalues? Think about how space is transformed

Your answer here


Copy and paste your circuit implementation function from Tutorial 1 Exercise 3B below.

You will then in the next cell enable a demo. It’s similar to what you played with in Tutorial 1 but now you can specify complex eigenvalues. If a 2-D matrix has any complex eigenvalues, one has to be r + cj, and the other r-cj, where r is the real part and c is the complex part. You can control r and c in the interactive demo.

The magnitude of a complex number is \((r^2+c^2)^{0.5}\). I report the magnitude of the complex eigevalues in the title of the plot.

  • What happens to the neural activity trajectory if the magnitude of the complex eigenvalues is 1?

  • What happens if it is greater than 1?

  • What happens if it is less than 1?

# copy and paste your circuit_implementation function

Execute this cell to enable the widget (there is a small lag so be patient after changing sliders)

# @markdown Execute this cell to enable the widget (there is a small lag so be patient after changing sliders)
real_part = widgets.FloatSlider(value=0.6, min=0.2, max=2, step=0.2)
complex_part = widgets.FloatSlider(value=0.8, min=0.2, max=2, step=0.2)
u0_1 = widgets.FloatSlider(value=1, min=-5, max=5, step=0.2)
u0_2 = widgets.FloatSlider(value=2, min=-5, max=5, step=0.2)

# def update_range(*args):
#     eigenvalue2.max = eigenvalue1.value - 0.2
# eigenvalue1.observe(update_range, 'value')

def plot_system(real_part, complex_part, u0_1, u0_2):

  # Get initial condition
  u0 = np.array([u0_1, u0_2])

  eigval1 = complex(real_part, complex_part)
  eigval2 = complex(real_part, -complex_part)
  # Get weight matrix with specified eigenvalues
  W = get_eigval_specified_matrix([eigval1, eigval2])

  # Get neural activities
  u = circuit_implementation(W, u0, 50)

  # # Visualize neural activities
  magnitude = np.sqrt(real_part**2 + complex_part**2)
  plot_circuit_responses(u, W, eigenstuff = False, xlim = [-15, 15], ylim = [-15, 15], magnitude = magnitude)

widgets.interact(plot_system, real_part = real_part, complex_part = complex_part, u0_1 = u0_1, u0_2 = u0_2)
<function __main__.plot_system(real_part, complex_part, u0_1, u0_2)>

(Optional) Exercise 2: Owls#

This exercise is based on one in the Linear Algebra textbook by David Lay.

Researchers studied the population of spotty owls in the Pacific northwest. For a given year \(k\), they describe the population by the number of females in the juvenile (\(j_k\)), subadult (\(s_k\)), and adult (\(a_k\)) stages. Within a year, a juvenile owl would be reclassified as a subadult owl, and a subadult owl would age into being an adult owl.

Based on the average birth rate per owl pair, they know that the number of new juvenile females in year \(k+1\) will be .33 times the number of adult females in the previous year (\(a_k\)). 18% of the juveniles survive to become subadults the next year, 71% of the subadults survive to become adults the next year, and 94% of adults stay alive to be adults next year.

A) Dynamical system formulation#

Write out a discrete dynamical system (of the type \(x_{t+1} = Wx_t\) to study the evolution of the spotty owl population given all of this information.

B) Predicting the future#

With these stats, will the spotty owl become extinct in the future? Explain your answer.

Answer this by looking at the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of \(W\), not through simulation (although you can use simulation to check your intuitions) .

C) Hope for the future#

The 18% number for survival of juveniles to subadults is pretty low, partly because there is a lot of cutting of trees in their forest habitats, increasing the likelihood that a predator will see and eat them (since they can’t hide amongst the trees).

If new trees could be reintroduced and the number of juveniles surviving to subadulthood the next year was upped to 30%, would the spotty owl go extinct? Explain your answer.

D) Predicting owl life-stage distribution#

In this better world where the number of juveniles surviving to subadulthood is 30%, not 18%, what would the proportion of adults to juveniles be after many years? You should be able to answer this again by just looking at the eigenvalues/eigenvectors